Gemeinsam die Zukunft gestalten- nachhaltig die Welt mitgestalten und Veränderungen vorantrieben- Project Title in English Shaping the future together – helping to shape the world sustainably and driving change


               Hungary – Nyíregyháza

  • Film club: The participating students watched the series ‘Nature isSpeaking’, which illustrates the connection between nature and human life.
  • Impact of climate change: The students watched the short film ‘Climate Change: The Impact on Us’, which highlights the dangers of global warming.
  • Measuring the ecological footprint: The students completed a questionnaire on their ecological footprint and presented the results.


                  Italy – Sciacca

  • Preparation activities: The school prepared for the reception of the international partners, organised accommodation and transport for the guests as well as the specialist programme.
  • Sustainability workshops: The pupils completed an ecological footprint questionnaire and worked in groups on the topic ‘The history of sustainability’.
  • Excursions: The students visited Lago Arancio, a thermal spa in Montevago and the UNESCO World Heritage Site Valley of the Temples.

Slovakia- ZlateMoravce

  • Preparatory meeting: A parents’ evening was held for the trip to Sicily.
    Analysis of the CO2 footprint: Teachers and pupils completed a questionnaire on the CO2 footprint, which was then analysed.
  • Energoland visit: An educational trip to the Energoland interactive educational centre in Mochovce was organised.

               Greece – Larissa

  • Environmental projects: The school worked with the city of Larissa to green the schoolyard with plants and trees.
  • Collection of e-waste: The pupils launched an environmental campaign to recycle light bulbs and e-waste.
  • Hike along the Pinios River: On the occasion of National Sports Day, the students and teachers went on a hike along the river.
  • Visit to an eco-village: Teachers, students and parents attended an open day at a sustainable village to learn about sustainable lifestyles.

Final thoughts
The sustainability programmes continue to be a great success at the partner schools. The active participation of students and teachers contributes to the development of an environmentally conscious mindset that remains sustainable and environmentally friendly in the long term.