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Reward programme for battery recycling

Reward programme for battery recycling

Our school has enrolled in the school reward programme for battery recycling. Link: We already have a recycling bin but we are starting a more vigorous student awareness campaign to increase the amount of recycled pounds and why not reach the difficult goal of 300 pounds (we are class of 201-300 kids). The program […]

2nd mobility- Sciacca, Italy

2nd mobility- Sciacca, Italy

Shaping the future together – shaping the world sustainably and driving change for full article and images see: The route: to   The students had the opportunity to share their impressions and say goodbye with wishes for future cooperation.  

Kick off Meeting

The first Erasmus 2023-2-HU01-KA220-SCH-000169980 teachers’ meeting took place at the Nyíregyházi Evangélikus Kossuth Lajos Gimnázium of Nyíregyháza in Hungary from 15 to 20 July 2024. The project coordinators and the teachers involved  from Italy, Greece, Slovakia and Hungury met each other for the first time  and presented their schools. The meeting finalised the dates of […]